
  • Mábia Aparecida dos Santos
  • Diego Santos Almeida Pinto



Rupture. Protection. Affectivity


This bibliographical research was carried out in the context of Family Law, with a view to analyzing the principles that guide the consequences for children due to marital breakdown. It is observed that the breakdown of the marital relationship can cause, in some cases, trauma in the relationship between parents and children, including the so-called parental alienation. Therefore, this research seeks to identify parental alienation and the consequences for minor children. To understand the subject, the work studies the right to family coexistence in the most diverse forms of constitution of family groups existing in current Brazilian society. In addition to verifying the scope of legislation in the full protection of children and adolescents, concerning the aforementioned rights and their consequences. The methodology used was a bibliographical review in order to seek information regarding the family context, especially coexistence. Furthermore, the scope is to verify the bonds of affection, including those with grandmothers and the contribution of this relationship to a healthy psychological and emotional development of minors. It was observed that our legislation sought to guarantee to them, through various protection laws, the dignity of the human person, the right to be raised within their family.


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Author Biographies

Mábia Aparecida dos Santos

Acadêmica cursando 10º período de Direito no Centro Universitário de Goiatuba – UNICERRADO.

Diego Santos Almeida Pinto

Orientador: Professor do curso de Direito do Centro Universitário de Goiatuba – UNICERRADO.


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How to Cite

Aparecida dos Santos, M., & Santos Almeida Pinto, D. (2024). MARITAL RUPTURE AND ITS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: ANALYSIS OF PARENTAL ALIENATION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(9), e595339.