
  • Omar A Ferrer C



Strategy, World, Resilience


In a world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), both organizations and individuals face unprecedented challenges. It is emphasized that adaptability, resilience, and ethics are crucial for navigating these environments. Additionally, aspects such as risk management, personal responsibility, and the importance of values and principles are examined, aiming to provide a guide to strengthen professionals and prevent future crises. Innovation and creativity are presented as essential pillars for global economic and social development. According to the Global Innovation Index 2023, the most innovative economies have shown resilience and adaptability amidst uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digitalization and the adoption of new technologies, driving investment in R&D and fostering innovative solutions to global challenges. Regarding crisis management, the importance of an organization's ability to respond effectively in emergencies is underscored. Those that implemented business continuity plans and risk management strategies successfully mitigated negative impacts and maintained operations. Transparency and effective communication were key to maintaining public trust during crises. Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of complying with international norms and standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 31000, to ensure the quality and safety of products and services. This compliance not only ensures legal conformity but also strengthens organizational reputation and consumer trust in a globalized and interconnected environment.


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Author Biography

Omar A Ferrer C

Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas.


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