


Digital Age. Innovative Education 5.0. Basic Education.


The Digital Era brought profound transformations in various spheres of society, and education was not left out of this movement. In the article "Digital Era: An Innovative Perspective on Education 5.0 with the Use of Games in School Activities in Basic Education" we explore how the integration of digital technologies, especially electronic games, can revolutionize the educational environment. Education 5.0 proposes a more student-centered teaching model, using digital tools to create more interactive, personalized and engaging learning. The benefits of using games in education include increasing student motivation, facilitating the understanding of complex concepts and promoting a more dynamic and interactive learning environment. Additionally, games can be powerful tools for inclusion, helping students with different learning styles and special needs develop at their own pace. This article offers a detailed analysis of best practices for integrating games into the school curriculum, as well as case studies and examples of success in schools that have already adopted this approach. By exploring the possibilities of Education 5.0, we highlight the importance of preparing students for a digital future, where the ability to learn and adapt quickly will be decisive. In short, the integration of games into Basic Education school activities is not just a passing trend, but an innovative strategy that can transform education and better prepare future generations for the challenges .


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Author Biographies

Keila Cristina de Paiva Silva

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana – Funiber.

Layla Daiane de Jesus Malheiros

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana – Funiber.

Elizabeth Costa da Silva Botelho

Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO).

Rodrigo Brito Sales

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana - FUNIBER.

Divina D’arc Moreira de Oliveira

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana - FUNIBER.

Amanda Claudino Machado Jahn

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana - FUNIBER.


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How to Cite

de Paiva Silva, K. C., de Jesus Malheiros, L. D., da Silva Botelho, E. C., Brito Sales , R., Moreira de Oliveira, D. D., & Claudino Machado Jahn, A. (2024). DIGITAL ERA: A CREATIVE PERSPECTIVE IN EDUCATION 5.0 WITH THE USE OF GAMES IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES IN BASIC EDUCATION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(9), e595700.