Personal Branding, proposed research aims, emotional intelligenceResumo
The proposed research aims to explore the influence of self-knowledge on personal brand management, based on the Personal Branding Questionnaire adapted for Brazilian culture. The study aims to validate the hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between the understanding of values, beliefs and purposes and the development of an effective positioning, as the professional deepens their self-knowledge. The methodology included a systematic review of the literature and the cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire, taking into account the cultural differences between Brazil and Portugal, based on Meyer's 8-dimension Model (2015). After applying the questionnaire to 56 professionals from different areas and implementing a structured personal branding model, the questionnaire was reapplied to evaluate the impact of the process. The results showed an increase in the perception of the importance of personal branding after the intervention, confirming that self-knowledge is fundamental for the effective management of the personal brand. The study proposes the Personal Branding Step by Step model to facilitate the diagnosis and enhancement of the personal brand, suggesting future research focusing on neuroplasticity, emotional intelligence and behavioral profile to complement the model.
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