



Anti-HIV Agents, Medication Adherence, Immunosupression


The scope of the present work is to report the factors that influence adherence to antiretroviral therapy (TARV) and to propose strategies for the young population living with HIV. This is an integrative review, in which a search was made for studies published in the form of an article between the years 2016 to 2021. As inclusion criteria, articles were sought that deal with the following themes: I) HIV; II) AIDS; III) HIV infections; IV) Antiretroviral therapy; V) Adherence to treatment; VI) Immunosuppression; and VII) Anti-HIV Antibodies, published in Portuguese, English or Spanish and available in full text. It was observed that, in the year 2020, 27.5 million infected people received the medication. However, in individuals up to 14 years old it was shown that only 54% received it, against the global rate of 73%. Without treatment, the risk of morbidity and mortality increases, quality of life is lost, psychiatric conditions develop and costs for the health system increase. The adversities for effective treatment are the strictness of taking the medication, as well as the complex list of medication doses and their side effects; Cultural, psychological and personal issues also interfere negatively in the treatment. In conclusion, in order to address these issues and increase the young population in treatment, the incentive for self-care and reduction of socioeconomic and cultural interference, it is necessary to create clinics adapted to the adolescent public with their demands met and adherence groups where there is sharing of experiences with each other.


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Author Biographies

  • Beatriz Cunta Gonçalves

    Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

  • Nathalia de Araujo Lima

    Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG

  • Mariana Gawlinski Franchi

    Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo - UNICID

  • Anderson Poubel Batista

    Universidade Iguaçu - UNIG

  • Leonardo Albano Alves Maria

    Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP

  • Raquel Ferreira dos Santos

    Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

  • Beatriz Carvalho Soares

    Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ

  • Letícia Rezende Vicco

    Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo - UNICID

  • Maria Silvia do Vale Senedese

    Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo - UNICID

  • Carolina Daudt Pereira

    Faculdade Dinâmica do Vale do Ipiranga - FADIP

  • Bruna Alacoque Amorim Lima

    Centro Universitário UniFacid


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How to Cite

FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE ADHERENCE TO ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY (TARV). (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(4), e341341. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v3i4.1341