Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Business managementAbstract
With the advent and beginning of the implementation of the concepts of Industry 4.0 in companies, in combination with the consequences brought by the global pandemic of Covid-19, the use of technology at various levels, processes, sectors and activities, has increased abruptly in recent years in several segments, and with it also, the insertion of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Faced with the increasingly competitive, fierce and technological scenario, in which adapting to new trends and the new normal, more digital, automated and technological is a matter of survival for several companies, those responsible for business management experience the need for process automation and immersion in the technological world, bringing new technologies to their companies in order to remain in the market in order to optimize their resources and adapt to new demands, and has been increasingly using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to do so. Based on this information, this work aims to demonstrate that Artificial Intelligence, and more specifically, Machine Learning, can be used in companies for business management, in order to introduce the various technologies associated with Artificial Intelligence and its applications in Business Management, in addition to the benefits arising from such implementariam. To this end, a study was carried out based on a bibliographic research on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Business Management, evidencing the machine learning tools used for business management.
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