Autism Spectrum Disorder, CBD, THC, Cannabis Sativa, Medicinal Cannabis , ReviewAbstract
The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has some specific signs and symptoms, such as: difficulty on developing social communication; restrict and repetitive patterns of behavior, leading to presenting restrict behavior of interests and activities, which might be associated with underdevelopment amongst other comorbidities. Currently there are a few pharmacological treatments, medicine that may attenuate some of these symptoms, but usually, have low specificity for the target symptoms of ASD. However, there has been an increasing interest on cannabinoids. On behalf of that, the purpose of this study is to verify through a literature review the effectivity of the use of medicinal Cannabis as a support treatment for ASD. With the intent of encouraging the production of new studies about Cannabis sativa as a therapeutic compound, and by so increasing the scientifically grounded debate on the subject, so that the use of cannabidiol can be accepted and well seen by the general population as an effective treatment. The literature review was made through a methodology of database research such as: Bireme; Scholar Google; Pubmed; Scielo, with the support of books and articles published on the internet, allowing the development of a safe and well-grounded research. On this article will be developed subjects related to ASD, its classification and types of mutation, tests that contribute to its diagnosis, as well as non-medicated and medicated treatment by the usage of Cannabis sativa.
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