mapping of nursing research groupsAbstract
Objective: The scope of the study is the mapping of nursing research groups in the education segment in the Directory of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Thus, the study proposes to know the profile and characterization of these groups. Methodology: This is a descriptive-analytical documentary study of a quantitative nature using scientometric analysis. The research was carried out in three phases. The first phase refers to the parameterized search, in the current base, with the search term "Nursing Education", the second phase consisted of the selection process of each group within the education line with certified status on the platform and the third phase the organization and disposition of the data collected in an excel spreadsheet to enable analysis and mapping. Results and Discussion: 117 Research Groups were found registered in the CNPq Directory. From this, and after excluding the groups with a situation other than certified by the platform, 100 research groups in the area of nursing education remained. The instability of the platform was a factor in slowing down data collection. Conclusion: The quantitative survey showed 100 research groups in the education segment, all of which were arranged in public higher education institutions. It revealed a concentration of 33% in the Southeast region and 27% in the South region. Additionally, it identified the urgency of efforts aimed at understanding the main reasons that interfere in the permanence and strategies for the continuity and preservation of the groups until the present day.
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