discuss the relationship between Digital Information and Communication TechnologiesAbstract
This article discusses the relationship between Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) in the teaching and learning process in Basic Education and integral education of the student, in which it has been gaining space every year, especially after the years of global pandemic. In this same sense, when involved with education, there was interest in deepening the theme involving teaching and TDICs in the school curriculum. We tried to present the process that occurred in society for the insertion of technology and the first machines, only years later to be inserted in the school environment and in the classroom. The documents such as the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDB) that govern education and address the use of technology in the educational context were used. The teacher, as a mediator of knowledge, can insert the use of technologies in his teaching method, work with students the resources present in education to promote learning, because in the present day students have access to technology and together with teachers there will be a transmission and exchange of knowledge by both parties.
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