


visual neuro system acts directly or indirectly to the reception


The visual neuro system acts directly or indirectly to the reception of learning, thus exerts influence on the efficiency of processing and visual health, as a consequence of learning. The visual pathways run through several lobes between the input of light and somatosensory processing. Environmental changes, the use of screens in a continuous way, changes in eating and social habits, produce disastrous changes in the neuro visual processing system. Any disorder can trigger difficulties in learning. Personalized and individualized evaluation is critical to ensuring the best vistive performance. The primary visual care service has great responsibility in this evaluation process, and in much of the world optometry is attributed. The visual and learning processes, their disorders and the evaluative role for learning is approached through the review of publications.


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Author Biography

  • Rodrigo Trentin Sonoda, OWP Educação

    Especialista em Docência Superior (UNIBF), Terapia Oftálmica (FACUMINAS), Estudos de Oftalmologia (UNIBF), Perícia Judicial (FBMG), Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (FSG) Graduado em Óptica e Optometria (UBC). Prof. Coordenador OWP Educação - WEducar Santos e São Paulo. 7° Membro da Academia Brasileira da Visão.



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How to Cite

NEURO VISUAL HEALTH AND LEARNING. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e412620.