construction of this work, we seek to reflect on the curriculum focused on IndigenousAbstract
Through the construction of this work, we seek to reflect on the curriculum focused on indigenous education, in view of a look concerned with indigenous teacher training, based on guiding documents of education. Thus, this work seeks to collaborate for future debates about mottos that are pertinent to the constitution of curricula, indigenous school education and also about teacher training, through a scope that the school curriculum is characterized as being one of the most serious tools in the educational environment, as well as in society, being a clear question of power, for he who holds it establishes the thought that the edification of identity is being architected there. In this way, it is understood that it is a tool for the transmission of content, values and culture. In short, this study, through its bibliographic research, points to the indigence of training teachers for indigenous education, seeking, with this, that there is a greater experience with the reality of indigenous students and also with their appreciation as true social and cultural subjects.
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