
  • Rafaela Ribeiro Marinho
  • Elizabeth Martins Ramos Antunes
  • Maria Aparecida dos Santos
  • Vanilce Maria de Medeiros



article aims to understand access to information


This article aims to understand about access to information and content directed to hybrid education. Considering these factors, the general objective is a pedagogical proposal in hybrid education integrated with the processes that structure ICT. The specific objectives permeate to provide a training proposal to the importance of knowledge directed to hybrid teaching integrated to the teaching-learning process in the school context for teachers working at the UNA University Center Sete Lagoas/MG. This methodology is characterized through a quantitative empirical research to the educational sector, in 2023, at the UNA University Center. Describing the reality of this new context, the teachers directed their experiences with the use of ICT. In this scenario, we chose to collect the data, through a structured questionnaire with closed questions.  The research allows us to understand the main factors in the integration between students and technology linked to hybrid teaching. Given these new influences, it was observed that it is concise to distinguish the functions of distance learning necessary for its effective implementation to the new modes of communication. Therefore, it can expand this new view on certain factors, instituting an adjusted environment in discussions and freedom, in the use of teaching in these two modalities of learning.


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Author Biographies

  • Rafaela Ribeiro Marinho

    Graduação em Marketing pela Universidade Metodista Izabela Hendrix; Pós Graduação em Educação a distância - gestão e tutoria, pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci (Uniasselvi). Graduanda em Letras pela Universidade Católica de Brasília; Mestranda em Educação pela Universidad Del Atlântico.

  • Elizabeth Martins Ramos Antunes

    Professora na rede Estadual de Educação do Rio de Janeiro e na Fundação Municipal de Educação no município de Niterói. Graduada em Letras Português Literatura pela UNIVERSO - Universidade Salgado de Oliveira e pós graduada em Educação Ambiental pela UNICID- Universidade Cidade de São Paulo Mestranda em Educação pela Unimix-MX.

  • Maria Aparecida dos Santos

    Universidad Europea del Atlantico - UNEATLANTICO.

  • Vanilce Maria de Medeiros

    PUC Goiás - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás.


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How to Cite

BLENDED LEARNING INTEGRATED INTO THE PROCESS THAT STRUCTURES ICT IN TEACHING-LEARNING. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(7), e473415.