COVID-19, Coronavirus, Symptom Assessment, PandemicsAbstract
Objective: the study aims to analyze and quantify the symptoms presented by patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nova Santa Rosa – Paraná, between June 2020 and June 2021. Methodology: data was collected at the Basic Unit Health Department manually directly from the notification forms and medical records and transferred to a digital spreadsheet. Results: 631 patients took part in the study, of which 581 (91%) were symptomatic and 50 (9%) asymptomatic. There were 26 different symptoms among the patients, the most common being cough (61%), headache (56%), sore throat (48%), myalgia (45%), fever (41%) and weakness (40%). Among the symptomatic ones, most were female and were between 31 and 40 years old. Both among men and among women the main symptom was coughing. In patients with some risk factor, cough was also the most observed symptom. The main risk factors among those infected were Hypertension (57%), Diabetes (20%) and heart disease (20%). Conclusion: from the analyzes it is concluded that in the study population, COVID-19 was more prevalent among women and young adults (31 to 40 years). It was found that cough was the most common symptom, as well as hypertension as the most observed risk factor. The analysis of symptoms is essential in a disease, in COVID-19 there was the presentation of several symptoms, some uncommon and rare, but the ones that most prevailed are very similar among the reports.
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