Technology, Education, Development.Abstract
This work aims to develop a research of reflective theoretical character about the insertion and use of technological mechanisms in the educational environment and its contribution to the teaching-learning process and full training of students. In this sense, it is also sought, through bibliographical research based on contributions of renowned authors in the literature in question, to discover some points that are seen as fundamental for the effectiveness of this whole process, that is, to point out which are the most used technologies in the educational environment, to list all the elements, whether positive or negative, presented by educators and to elucidate about the numerous contributions that technology offers to the teaching-learning of students, through the constant and appropriate use of technological mechanisms in the teaching unit. Among the specialists researched during the discursive trajectory, are Morin (2000), Kenski and many others, which will help to better understand the significant use of technological mechanisms for the improvement of teaching and the full intellectual development of the learner, in addition to bringing new clarifications about the educational practice mediated by Technology.
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