reflective approach intended in this study walksAbstract
The reflective approach intended in this study walks around the concepts presented by Michael Foucault, intending to acquire greater knowledge about his way of developing his work proposal, with regard to Education, in view of the social and economic aspects established by Adam Smith, which he had as elements that encompass domain, in addition to being understood also as a largely intrinsic product, judging by the segmentation of methodologies caused during the Industrial Revolution and the process of Globalization. Thus, to discuss this subject, a theoretical-bibliographic research was carried out from the works of renowned authors in the literature in question, in order to reflect on the process of teacher education and the recognition of their pedagogical practice in accordance with its importance for the strengthening of the labor market, since such professionals act with rationality. On the other hand, this study intends to highlight some relevant aspects for teacher education, so that it is not limited only and only to the management of work and a more focused look at utilitarianism, but rather to achieve the progress of educational practice and the tools that produce amplitude in relation to it.
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