Supervised Internship, Teaching Practice, Educational software.Abstract
This paper reports on the experiences lived during the period of Supervised Internship II, of the Degree in Computing, of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA). The action was developed on the premises of the Thomé Ferreira Santiago State School, in the period from 03/01/2023 to 04/19/2023, making daily visits to school spaces, following each stage in which the mandatory internship process took place with the purpose of observing how the teaching and learning process happens on the school floor, listening to reports of teachers' experiences and seeing the reality of students in the public school system. Supervised Stage II consists of observation, co-participation and conducting. The intervention arose from the analysis carried out during the observations in the classroom, since the educational institution does not offer structure to use technological devices in teaching practices. Thus, it was suggested activities using collaborative methods through the kahoot platform in classes during the regency that occurred in the classes of 2nd and 3rd grade of High School, with the objective of arousing the interest of students and teachers regarding the use of technological artifacts in the school environment allowing collaborative teaching in the classroom, using content related to everyday life and enabling students. better performance in learning. The study had as a line of research the qualitative, using data collection in the school space that occurred through the daily visits during the process of Supervised Internship II.
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