Supervised internship. Reports of experiences. Middle schoolAbstract
This article reports the experiences and educational practices carried out during the discipline of the Supervised Internship in Computing II, in the course of Degree in Computing, of the University of the State of Amazonas - UEA, municipality of Careiro Castanho, held in High School, during the period of Internship. The practical activities were carried out at the Thomé Ferreira Santiago State School, located in the municipality of Careiro/AM, which allowed to know the environment and the school routine of the teachers and students. The methodology adopted is divided into three stages: (I): Observation, in which it is possible to know the routine of the faculty and students involved; (II): Co-participation, when the trainees can accompany the teacher and assist him in his classes, knowing the profile of the class, and (III): Regency, a period in which, after observing the school environment and assisting the teacher in the classroom, the trainees assume the role of teacher and teach a content selected according to the lesson plan of the teacher of the discipline, and carry out activities with students as a form of evaluation. The technological resource used was the kahoot application which is a free learning platform based on games, meeting an institutional need, which seeks to unlock the deepest potential of each student of all ages and in all contexts, aiming to complement the teaching and learning process as needed, enabling theoretical learning in practice, according to the problem diagnosed in the classroom.
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