ADHD. Difficulty. Education. School. Management.Abstract
This article presents as a guiding theme "The challenges in the school environment and the importance of management in the care of students with ADHD", showing this problem as a quality of neurobiological nature that affects 3% to 7% of individuals. In this article, then, a bibliographic study will be presented, elaborated through a theoretical research, with the purpose of understanding a little more about the performance of children with ADHD in their classrooms and the importance of the work of management at this time. During the preparation of this article, the properties of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) will be listed, such as hyperactivity, lack of attention and impulsivity, hindering school, family and social performance. Thus, all the results acquired through the construction of this article clearly show that the indicated study will contribute significantly to the manager to evaluate the decisive points that guide the difficulties related to the school performance of students with ADHD, guiding him in the search for partnership with professionals from other areas. Seeing the role of the manager, the educator and the family as a capital tool to support the ADHD patient, the school will carry out its work contributing to its routine, with the organization and school activities that are built in view of the difficulties of students with ADHD.
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