Bibliometrix. Biomes. PRISMA.Abstract
The sustainable management of natural resources is one of the greatest difficulties today. Among the various problems related to the topic, the need for environmental monitoring stands out. In order to subsidize, as a tool, the monitoring of natural resources in the country, the MapBiomas project offers, as a resource, the possibility of monitoring the land and its resources. Despite its great importance, studies using the MapBiomas tool are still considered scarce and scattered in consideration of its objective. Thus, the present study aims, through a scientometric and systematic review, to analyze the current panorama of the use of the MapBiomas tool in order to assess its current potential for use as a natural resource management tool. Thus, the methodology used was the use of scientometric indicators that pointed out the main related keywords, authors, correlations between countries, journals and advances, during the period from 2017 to 2022. After the scientometric review, the PRISMA protocol was applied for the purposes of systematic analysis of the literature, which allowed a qualitative systematization of the research. The results showed a high frequency of the words biodiversity; land cover; remote sensing; land use; and Brazil, when it came to keywords, in addition to the internationalization of research groups that use the tool and the need for greater exploration of it in the area of natural resource management.
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