Ballisticvest; Individual protection equipment; Applicability.Abstract
This research's main focus is to describe the characteristics of the ballistic vest and its applicability as personal protective equipment in the work of military police officers. Because the vest saves many lives, but at the same time, if it is not suitable for the body of the person using it, it can make work difficult and cause complications for the well-being of the police officers. To this end, the descriptive bibliography research methodology was used in pre-existing materials from various authors and in periodicals and academic works. And after research, it was possible to confirm that ballistic vests have evolved a lot since the first times that men thought of ways to protect themselves against attacks from their enemies, which currently offer an effective level of protection for those who use them, Kevlar is the central element in the constitution of vests. But it is still necessary for some advances to be made in relation to the suitability of vests so that they can provide well-being for police officers, as if this equipment is too tight it can cause obstruction of the respiratory flow, and if it is too loose it can hinder body movement. This makes it clear how important ballistic vests are as PPE, which help save police officers' lives, but further studies are still needed to develop equipment that can provide more comfort and well-being for police work.
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