Helicopter. Risk management. Incident Command System. Environment. Emergencies.Abstract
Between 2019 and 2020, forest fires were among the main issues of the year, attracting the attention of the media and society and recording one of the highest rates in the historical series in Brazil. These occurrences are complex emergencies that require special efforts from authorities, with a view to preserving lives, public and private property and the environment. Despite being seasonal occurrences and, sometimes, with suggestive components, due to the peculiarities in certain locations, such as the Brazilian cerrado during periods of drought, these fires also suffer great interference from climatic conditions, therefore adding a factor of unpredictability in relation to fire behavior, which leads to abrupt changes, as has been observed in recent years. These and other characteristics make them extremely complex and pose a high risk to professionals who work in direct combat. In this way, the use of aircraft to support forest firefighting operations proves to be a vital tool, however, there must be due organizational awareness and analysis regarding all risks involved with a view to mitigating and increasing safety. operational. This is the main purpose of this work, through the analysis of fundamentals and integration of basic concepts from different areas of activity that invariably merge during the response to these events.
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