


Food. Nutritional Assessment. Bodybuilding.


Proper nutrition and physical activity provide a healthier lifestyle that has been sought after by individuals lately. The objective was to evaluate food consumption and body composition by bodybuilders in two gyms in the south of Minas Gerais. Materials and Methods: Information was collected through anthropometric assessment and a structured questionnaire. Results and Discussion: The average body fat percentage was 16.44%. The consumption of macronutrients was within recommendations. Of the 30 study participants, only six did not consume supplements, the most consumed being creatine. Conclusion: The majority of individuals had adequate body composition, and no inadequacies in food consumption were observed that could compromise the objective.


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Author Biographies

  • Raphael do Carmo Scalco
    Nutrition student at Professor Edson Antônio Velano University - UNIFENAS - Alfenas
  • Eduardo Vinicius Souza Batista
    Nutrition student at Professor Edson Antônio Velano University - UNIFENAS - Alfenas
  • Lidiane Paula Ardisson Miranda
    Professor of the nutrition course at Professor Edson Antonio Velano University - UNIFENAS - Alfenas
  • Carolina Soares Horta de Souza
    Professor of the nutrition course at Professor Edson Antonio Velano University - UNIFENAS - Alfenas
  • Rafaela Bergmann Strada de Oliveira
    Professor of the nutrition course at Professor Edson Antônio Velano University - UNIFENAS - Alfenas


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How to Cite

NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT OF BODYBUILDERS IN TWO CITIES IN THE SOUTH OF MINAS GERAIS. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(6), e565310.