Mental health. Nurses. Quality of care. Desktop.Abstract
The mental health of health professionals in Brazil is a growing concern, evidenced by the demands of the work environment, especially in contexts such as hospitals, clinics and health units. The healthcare sector faces complex challenges, aggravated by factors such as intense workload, emotional pressure, exposure to traumatic situations and, more recently, adversities related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The intensification of work demands, often burdened by a lack of resources and infrastructure, has contributed to an increase in cases of stress, anxiety and burnout among healthcare professionals. Brazil, historically, has a tradition of valuing the dedication of these professionals, but current challenges highlight the urgent need to address issues related to mental health. The objective of this study is to describe the relationship between nurses' mental health and the quality of care. The methodology adopted consists of an integrative literature review, analyzing scientific articles previously selected with specific criteria. The scope of the review includes recent studies that offer a significant understanding of the topic. The conclusion of the study highlights the complexity of the relationship between nurses' mental health and the quality of care, highlighting the importance of multifaceted strategies. The hypotheses, centered on psychological support strategies and favorable work environments, were validated by the reviewed literature. The research highlights the need for interventions that promote the psychological balance of nurses, aiming to improve not only the well-being of these professionals, but also the overall effectiveness of health services.
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