Autohemotherapy. Blood. Response cellsAbstract
This is a case study, descriptive, experiment, with research and action, of a qualitative and quantitative nature, with the aim of identifying the main response cells after the application of autohemotherapy, in a health student at the Polytechnic Institute of the José University Eduardo dos Santos. Including volunteer students with certain pathologies such as: menstrual irregularity, female frigidity, allergy, lower limb injury for more than 2 years, benign tumor in the eyes, and those free of any pathology, carried out from October 2023 to January 2024. Results: Having identified leukocytes especially macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes after autohemotherapy with an increase from 0 to 19% of macrophages after, neutrophils from 43 to 51% and lymphocytes types from 50 to 34% in 24h, although this is not the objective the practice was able to eliminate allergies, menstrual irregularity from two weeks to 4 days, improvement in desire and sexual activity in 100% of cases, elimination of benign tumors, limb injuries, illustrating that the practice can be efficient in controlling such illnesses . Final considerations: It is considered that Auto-Hemotherapy is a simple procedure capable of stimulating an increase in the production of leukocytes from 4,000 to 8,000/ul of blood in seven days, especially macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes, especially reactive ones, especially to sick individuals, which can cause minor adverse reactions such as a slight headache and a slight drop in red blood cells, which can be corrected with the administration of supplements such as vitamin C, B12 and iron.
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