Permeable paving, runoff, sustainabilityAbstract
Currently, floods and flooding have increased significantly in many Brazilian cities. This problem results from the impermeabilization of the soil and the drainage system not being efficient enough, with overload after a severe precipitation event. To alleviate these problems, more sustainable projects are being developed, in relation to asphalt and permeable pavements, which seek to mitigate environmental impacts. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the feasibility of asphalt and permeable pavement as a way to minimize floods and flooding, assist in the sustainable development of urban areas in order to use conventional drainage networks. The research method adopted to carry out this study is related to bibliographic references, in this sense, to analyze works and literary materials in which the theme is the types of permeable pavements and their varieties and urban drainage. Through research, it is noted that, after analyzing several factors such as its feasibility, cost-benefit, suitability to the place of implementation and the like, permeable pavements are, in fact, processes that can, if well designed and leased, directly influence the prevention of large-scale flooding. Finally, it is concluded that there is effectiveness in permeable paving to reduce surface runoff and integral infiltration, bringing feasibility in the implementation in order to adapt to the conventional drainage system and thus, this process may benefit the population from inconveniences due to flooding and flooding in urban areas.
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