
  • Lucas Cemim
  • Angelo Nicola Neto



Crowd management, crowd control, Riot Police, use of force, operational strategies.


Crowd management is one of the main challenges of public safety, requiring strategic planning and specialized training of police forces to contain and disperse large groups without compromising order and the safety of those involved. In this scenario, the Riot Squad plays an essential role, adopting tactics that range from preventive actions to direct intervention, always seeking to minimize damage and reestablish public order, regaining control of the situation. One of the critical factors in this process is the police presence, which can both deter disturbances and, in some situations, intensify tension, depending on the stance adopted and the way in which the troops are positioned in the operational environment. This article explores the strategies used by the Riot Squad, going through the Guidelines that guide the use of force in the Military Police of Paraná, as well as the Operations Manual for Crowd Control of the Military Police of Paraná. In addition, strategies to minimize conflicts and improve crowd management are discussed, including mediation with leaders, selective use of force and tactical positioning of the troops. Finally, the article establishes parallels between the Selective or Differentiated Use of Force and the Priority of Employment of Means, concepts used, respectively, by the Military Police in responding to day-to-day incidents and by the Riot Squad in any and all Riot Squad actions. The correct application of these operational strategies allows for the conduct of safe operations, protecting both the integrity of the police officers and of others involved.


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Author Biographies

  • Lucas Cemim

    Polícia Militar do Paraná - PMPR.

  • Angelo Nicola Neto

    Polícia Militar do Paraná - PMPR.


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How to Cite

AN ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES OF ROCK TROOPS IN CROWD CONTROL. (2025). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 6(2), e626265.