Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are characterizedAbstract
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are characterized by the appearance of injuries in our musculoskeletal system, especially in muscles, tendons, joints, bones, ligaments, vascular system and nerves, generating several problems in the system responsible for locomotion and the functional our body. A class of workers that is often affected by this pathology are teachers, who live daily with a stressful activity, which in addition to mental overload also directly affects the physical part, generating several zos and directly impacting their quality of life. In view of this context, this study was elaborated with a method of demonstrating to readers the musculoskeletal symptoms in high school teachers from the municipal public school system in the municipality of Montanha. Data collection was based on two stages, the first stage occurred through literature reviews in manuals, articles, magazines and websites in the health area, which gave sustainability to part of the theoretical framework of this study. The second stage takes place through field research, which took place by requesting a questionnaire with 20 high school teachers from the public network of Montanha. Given what was presented in this article, it was possible to analyze and identify musculoskeletal symptoms, as there is a high prevalence of this disease among teachers.
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