
  • Alfredo Euclides Dias Netto POLÍCIA MILITAR DO PARANÁ



Violence. Football. SARS-COVID19


Football, since its arrival in Brazil, has stood out as one of the biggest social phenomena in the country, and undoubtedly emerges as an event that involves growing audiences, fans who, in many cases, generating a large number of cases of violence. In this area, there are numerous studies on this theme, but this research raises a new discussion, seeking a different prism, taking into account the period that society has lived in the last two years, due to sanitary problems, arising from the SARS-COVID19 pandemic. To this end, the guiding problem of this study focuses on the search for answers to the following question: Was there an increase in acts of violence related to football after the period of isolation caused by SARS-COVID19? And, in search of the proposed objectives, initially a bibliographic research was carried out, for a real understanding of the phenomenon of violence, and how it permeates football events. In a second moment, seeking to answer the proposed problem, a documentary research was developed, through journalistic news, which reveal violent circumstances that permeated football events in the post-isolation period provided by the pandemic; in addition, documents from the Military Police of Paraná were searched for data that could support the comparison of acts of violence in the period before and after social isolation. After analyzing the documents obtained in the research, in a striking way, that there was a significant increase in the number of cases of violence in the period after social isolation.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Euclides Dias Netto, POLÍCIA MILITAR DO PARANÁ

Major da Polícia Militar do Paraná, mestre em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (UEPG).


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How to Cite

Dias Netto, A. E. . (2022). ACTS OF VIOLENCE RELATED TO FOOTBALL EVENT: A COMPARISON OF BEFORE AND POST-CONFINEMENT DUE TO SARS-COVID19. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(6), e361642.