



Quantitative. Qualitative. Validation. Sample.


The article aims to understand the intrusion of quantitative strategies into qualitative approaches. The research was carried out through a bibliographic review, aiming to reflect on the validation of qualitative studies using theoretical references published in available documents. During the investigation, a significant challenge was identified due to the scarcity of sources, especially in the literature in Portuguese. However, the research concluded that, although qualitative and quantitative methods are different, their combination can enrich the investigation. When applied to qualitative research, the integration of quantitative strategies can validate and reinforce the results without compromising the object, objective, or structure of the study.


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Author Biography

Edgar Gonçalves José, +244 923385005

Licenciado em Psicologia do trabalho. Pós-graduado em Gestão de Projectos. Mestre em comunicação, Marketing e Publicidade. Professor na Universidade Gregório Semedo (Luanda) e o Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cazenga. Gestor de Marketing na SecondM.


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How to Cite

José, E. G. (2024). QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE SAMPLES AS VALIDATION STRATEGIES. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(10), e5105702. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i10.5702