
  • José Renato Mildemberger Junior
  • Eginaldo Barbosa dos Anjos




Crime, Public Administration, Military Police


Working on issues involving crime, public policies, and the military policie has never been easy. However, it is necessary to raise discussions that can aid in understanding the ongoing efforts for public benefit. Public administration has in its horizon the community and its management, protection of its common assets and rights. With population growth, the most diverse problems arise. And the object of study, urban growth and crime, discusses how the State works to provide answers to citizens. The research problem seeks to understand how PMPR works on this issue. The objective analyzes the Strategic Planning of the Military Police of Paraná 2022/2035, and the current context experienced by medium and large urban centers. The methodology regarding the type was descriptive and case study. The bibliographic review and documentary research technique. The analysis was quantitative. The conclusion of the study noted that the work carried out by public security, with adequate planning, will certainly obtain positive results.


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Author Biographies

José Renato Mildemberger Junior

Lieutenant Colonel of the Military Police of Paraná;

Commander of the 4th Military Police Battalion;

Bachelor's degree in Public Security from the Military Police Academy of Guatupê and Bachelor's degree in Administration from Unicesumar;

Postgraduate in Public Policy from the State University of Maringá and People Management from Unifamma.

Eginaldo Barbosa dos Anjos

Major of the Military Police of Paraná; Officer Improvement Course (2023); Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the State University of Maringá (UEM); Human Rights Specialist; Specialist in People Management; Specialist in Administrative Law with an emphasis on Tenders and Contracts; Specialist in Public Security and Police Intelligence.



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How to Cite

Renato Mildemberger Junior, J., & Barbosa dos Anjos, E. (2024). URBAN GROWTH AND CRIME FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING BY THE MILITARY POLICE OF PARANÁ 2022-2035: A CASE STUDY OF THE 4TH BPM/MARINGÁ. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(10), e5105797. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v5i10.5797