


Humanitarian Sursis, Age survivors, Penal execution, COVID-19.


The present study aims to discuss the age sursis and  humanitarian sursis and its applicability in the course of criminal execution during the pandemic. To this end, it exposes the necessary requirements for granting probation; discusses the principle of humanity and the duty of assistance in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic; mentions the necessary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the prison system; and addresses the importance of procedural rules for prison agglomeration and the prestige of the prisoner's fundamental rights. In order to fulfill the objective of this research, a bibliographic research was carried out in doctrines and in the current legislation, research sources that guided the elucidation of the proposed theme, allowing to conclude that the confrontation with the COVID-19 pandemic requires that swift and effective measures be adopted. That protect, as much as possible, the health of individuals and society. Society is composed not only of those who are free, but of all those who have the condition of being human.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriela Maia de Souza

    Lawyer enrolled in OAB and at the International Bar Association (IBA). Specialist in Public, International, Tax, Digital, Criminal and Criminal Procedure, Maritime, Medical and Hospital Law. LLM in Contract Law and With Executive MBAs in the Areas of; International Business and Foreign Trade, Controllership and Finance, Executive Project Management, Oil and Gas, People and Human Resources Management, Marketing and Social Networks and Competitive Management and Business Intelligence (BI). Pedagogue Specialized in; Psychopedagogy, Neuroscience and Communication in a corporate environment and Institutional, Clinical and Hospital Neuro Psychopedagogy.



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