Educational Technology, Women's Health, Primary Health CareAbstract
The objective of this work is to develop a protocol with the scope of mapping and identifying the care-educational technologies used in Primary Health Care (PHC) in women's health care. This is the construction of a protocol for a scoping review study, registered in the Open Science Framework, guided by the recommendations of the JBI Institute Reviewer's Manual (JBI, 2020), guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). An initial search was carried out in the national (DeCS) and international (MeSH) descriptor databases, as well as in the MEDLINE/PubMed databases (via the National Library of Medicine), the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and gray literature. For the selection and initial evaluation of the studies, Rayyan software will be used to manage the collection and selection of studies will be carried out by two reviewers independently and one reviewer to resolve possible divergences. The results will be presented in a flowchart, highlighting the process of search and inclusion/exclusion of publications followed by the elaboration of tables and illustrative figures with the findings arising from the review and the final report of the review will be guided by PRISMA-ScR.
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