News the RECIMA21


Friends of RECIMA21,
I have news I want to share with you. Our magazine started 7 months ago and we're going to the 5th edition. The number of indexers jumped to 40 and the impact factor rose to 5,289. We're getting 4,500 visits a month on the site, according to Google Analytics. Really a great success in such a short time! The number of articles submitted daily increased and with it also our costs related to the management of the journal. THE RECIMA21 is an independent production and is maintained by its editor-in-chief, but the cost of DOI - each article receives one, from the librarian - that makes the corrections of citations, the costs of IT, the office, the magazine has CNPJ, advertising, the site to which the magazine is hosted, the reviewers of Portuguese at the end, before publication and taxes , among other expenses and investments, made us make the decision to start applying for a cost aid in the amount of R$ 100.00 reais (one hundred reais) for each article accepted for publication in RECIMA21, which will be charged for all submissions from April 20, 2021. I point out once again that only articles accepted for publication will collect the fee.
We will be holding a contest for the most accessed article in RECIMA21 in the year 2021. THE TOP RECIMA21. And the three most accessed will receive a cash prize from Florida Christian University - FCU USA. Our international partner. The regulation will soon be on the magazine's website.
Click here to visit the FCU website

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of RECIMA21,
Prof. Dr. Márcio Magera Conceição Ph.D
Professor Esp. Edson Roberto Berbel