biofuel; family farming and social inclusion.Abstract
This work has as main goal to present the social responsibility of biodiesel and its importance and its impact on growth and development of our country, taking advantage of new existing technologies, with the theme of the prospects of biodiesel technology and its feasibility for inclusion share of small farmers Angola & Brazil. It is a descriptive and qualitative research with open questions. Due to the global pressure problems related to energy, the main reason the probable exhaustion of oil worldwide, today develops researches in the field of bioenergy. Thus Angola also began to invest in projects to develop alternative energy sources and to encourage the production of biodiesel, alternative and renewable fuel programs, providing, in addition to economic development, social inclusion of family agriculture in the country. In view of the introduction of this new biofuel in the Brazilian energy matrix, the research presents an analysis from four interviews with people involved with the family farm and / or researchers of this new technology about the potential of Angola in this project, the way you use your energy potential for the growth of their regions in the environmental, economic and social aspect, using labor from farmers and bring sustainable development especially for the regions of Cacuso, Sumbe and Bauru.
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