
  • Michele Alzira Gagliardo Lopes



Purpose. Neuroleadership. Neuromentoring. Identity. Missions.


In the quest for quality companies have failed in the human aspect, never been talked so much about training and training, this content aims to present an innovative concept on living companies and business administration model based on Coaching. Through the use of new tools, we present the Neuromentoring, we believe breaking an old barrier and widening the horizon to reach new expectations about an old concept of business administration and business management. We know that in life we ​​have to seek a Purpose that leads us to a full life in all areas, when we reach this level we see our Identity and Spiritual Maturity. However, if we manage to have a Positive Psychological Competence that is not motivational, clearer and more precise than our goals and objectives, we become better leaders and then we understand the principle of Neuroliderance, leading us to the most important place at the center of our decisions. Just like a child who comes to the world, every company has its birth time, based on this concept of living companies, who seek to understand their purpose so that they can achieve their missions, training and dedication to the business also involve first self-knowledge.





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Author Biography

Michele Alzira Gagliardo Lopes

FCU - Florida Christian University


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How to Cite

Gagliardo Lopes, M. A. (2023). NEUROMENTORING: A NEW BEHAVIORAL MODEL OF POSITIVE LEADERSHIP. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e432920.



