
  • Aldarley Andrade de Araujo
  • Ágila Maria Martins da Silva
  • Arnon Antonio Pereira de Paiva
  • Darlan Rodrigues Campelo
  • Jennifer Azevedo da Cruz
  • Revelino Ferreira de Menezes Junior



Computational thinking, challenges, technology in education.


The work aimed to analyze the challenges of the introduction of computational thinking in the Osvaldo Nascimento State School to prepare students for the demands of the twenty-first century. Three classes of the 3rd year of morning high school were surveyed, totaling 111 students and 10 teachers. The data collected showed that only 23% of the students have some basic or advanced computer course, while 77% have no course in the area. This was attributed to lack of access to courses, disinterest or prioritization of other disciplines. In addition, the lack of technological infrastructure in schools and the need for training and support for teachers were identified as challenges. To overcome them, strategies such as partnerships with organizations and government agencies, investments in infrastructure and additional resources, and the use of mobile devices as an alternative were proposed. It has also been suggested to use Unplugged Computing as an approach to develop computational thinking skills, even without digital resources. In summary, the study highlights the importance of promoting training in informatics and the interest of students in this area, seeking to overcome the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities offered by technology in education.


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Author Biographies

Aldarley Andrade de Araujo

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA.

Ágila Maria Martins da Silva

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA.

Arnon Antonio Pereira de Paiva

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA.

Darlan Rodrigues Campelo

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA.

Jennifer Azevedo da Cruz

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA.

Revelino Ferreira de Menezes Junior

Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA.


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How to Cite

Andrade de Araujo , A., Martins da Silva, Ágila M., Pereira de Paiva, A. A., Rodrigues Campelo, D., Azevedo da Cruz, J., & Ferreira de Menezes Junior, R. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF COMPUTATIONAL THINKING IN THE HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM AT OSVALDO NASCIMENTO STATE SCHOOL. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(8), e483799.