


Indication or Assignment of the Name. Registering. Dignity of the Person. Agnome. First Name and Last Name. Composition of the Name.


The name is one of the main characteristics of individualization of man, as it constitutes the sign of identity established by society in the common interest to be adopted by the person, as the name constitutes the simplest, most general and most practical form of identification of the person. individual. Starting from the important and obligatory nature of the name in the individual's life, their social relationships and the characteristics of the name for its inclusion in the concept of human dignity. Given the need to contribute to improving the provision of services to citizens by facilitating, organizing and standardizing the practice of the set of acts that constitute the procedure of the Angolan Civil Registry Offices, regarding the indication and attribution of the name of the registrant. Therefore, given the importance of the topic, it is considered essential for Court Officials and parents and others to know the procedure to be used in indicating or assigning the name of the registrant, for the best provision of services to users and better performance. of their duties as public servants. With the aim of explaining and guiding in a technical and scientific way the meaning, function and procedure to be used in indicating and/or attributing the name of the registrant to appear on the Birth Certificate, using bibliographic, technical, normative and hermeneutic methods.


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Author Biography

Lucas Alberto Guido, Ministério da Justiça e dos Direitos Humanos

Degree in Civil Legal Law from the Faculty of Law of the Kimpa Vita University, in Uíge – Angola; Specialist in Notarial and Registry Law from the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University, in Luanda – Angola; Specialist in Methodological Orientation for the Preparation of Monographs, Dissertations and Theses by the Faculty of Law of the Agostinho Neto University, in Luanda – Angola.He has been a Justice Officer of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Angola since 2010, currently serving as Head of the Legal Affairs section and Head of the Cabinet of the Provincial Delegate for Justice and Human Rights of Uíge -Angola since the year 2018.



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ANGOLA. Constituição da República de Angola, de 2010. Angola: [s. n], 2010.

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BOBONE, Carlos. Os apelidos portugueses: um panorama histórico. Alfragide: Dom Quixote, 2017.

CARVALHO, Manuel Vilhena de. O nome das pessoas e o direito. Coimbra: editora Almedina, 1989.

GUIDO, Lucas Alberto. O identificador e a actividade de identificação civil e criminal angolana. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, v. 4, n. 4, p. e442660, 2023. DOI: 10.47820/recima21.v4i4.2660. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 nov. 2023. DOI:

GUIDO, Lucas Alberto. O nome civil como valor de integração e harmonia social. Revista Científica Acertte, v. 2, n. 11, p. e211106, 2022. DOI: 10.47820/acertte.v2i11.106. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jul. 2023. DOI:

SITES CONSULTADOS: Acesso em: 01 de Novembro de 2023;

Decreto-Lei nº 419/74, de 07 de Setembro;

LEI nº 10/77, de 9 de Abril, Lei sobre Normas para Actos do Registo Civil, no que se Refere a Composição do Nome.

Lei nº 10/85, de 19 de Outubro, Lei sobre Normas para Actos do Registo Civil, no que se Refere a Composição do Nome;

Lei nº 2/16, de 15 de Abril, Lei da Nacionalidade.



How to Cite

Guido, L. A. (2024). THE INDICATION OR ATTRIBUTION OF THE NAME OF THE REGISTRANT TO APPEAR ON THE BIRTH REGISTRATION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(1), e513889.