War crimes, Hman rights, Israel-Gaza conflict, ImpunityResumo
This article analyzes the influence of war crimes impunity in the Israel-Gaza conflict on the global perception of human rights. The academic relevance lies in its contribution to understanding the dynamics between International Humanitarian Law and the realities of armed conflicts. Legally, the study assesses the role of institutions such as the United Nations (UN) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in holding perpetrators accountable for war crimes. Socially, the topic is crucial for discussing the protection of human rights in war zones. The general objective is to understand how the impunity of war crimes affects the global perception of human rights. Specifically, the study aims to evaluate the role of international institutions and the divergence between countries regarding sanctions and accountability. The methodology is qualitative, based on bibliographic and documentary research, without fieldwork, using treaties, UN reports, and academic articles. The research question focuses on how impunity in the Israel-Gaza conflict shapes the global perception of human rights. The expected result is a deeper understanding of the barriers to international justice and suggestions to enhance mechanisms for accountability in armed conflicts.
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