


endocarditis is a primary cause of infections,


Abstract: Infective endocarditis is a primary cause of infections, being a definition defined by microbial diseases of the endothelial surface of the cardiac and cardiac chambers. Objective: to carry out an integrative review of the literature on endodontic treatment and its relationship with bacterial endocarditis. Methodology: a literature search was carried out through electronic databases: UpDate; Direct Science; LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences) and an electronic library: SciELO. There were two keywords for the composition used in the search key, the DeCS being: “Bacterial, Endocarditis”; and the free term: “Endodontic treatment”. Articles were included according to pre-established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results and Discussion: of the 13 articles that met the selected criteria, only 8 articles did not address the development of bacterial endocarditis resulting from endodontic treatment and its therapeutic processes. studies prove the presence of oral bacteria in some cardiac treatments, the possibility of an unsuccessful endodontic treatment. The therapeutic process of endocarditis has two principles, but the most pre-configured is the surgical one due to the possibility of hemorrhage due to anticoagulant treatment, and an antibiotic prescription may be necessary. Final Considerations: factors such as poor clinical hygiene in the endodontic treatment and some systemic complications may occur from oral trials, the literature randomized lo-c and direct influence of the treatment so that it is proven to be in oral trials, the literature randomized lo-c and direct influence of treatment that is proven to be randomized clinical trials. endodontic treatment with endocarditis.


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Author Biographies

Filipe de Almeida Agra Omena

Acadêmico de medicina do Centro Universitário UNIFACISA

André de Almeida Agra Omena

Acadêmico de odontologia do Centro Universitário UNIFACISA

Jacyara Abeacy Azevedo de Andrade

Acadêmica de medicina do Centro Universitário UNIFACISA

Janyara Anny Azevedo de Andrade

Acadêmica de medicina do Centro Universitário UNIFACISA

Layane Sobreira Bento

Acadêmica de medicina do Centro Universitário UNIFACISA

Matheus Harllen Gonçalves Veríssimo

Acadêmico de odontologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB) - Araruna 


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How to Cite

Almeida Agra Omena, F. de, Almeida Agra Omena, A. de, Abeacy Azevedo de Andrade, J., Anny Azevedo de Andrade, J. ., Sobreira Bento, L., & Harllen Gonçalves Veríssimo, M. . (2022). BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS AND ENDODÔNTICO TREATMENT: ETIOLOGY AND THERAPEUTIC PROCESS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(3), e321208.