


Health Education, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Nursing


This study deals with health education as a foundation for the control of cervical cancer. Objective: To analyze the perspectives of nursing in women's health, in the control of cervical cancer. Method: This is a systematic literature review carried out in the Virtual Health Library with the elaboration of a PRISMA flowchart to illustrate the selection process of these studies. Results and Discussion: Through the search strategy, a total of 233 publications were initially identified in the databases, after applying the exclusion criteria, reading the titles and abstracts and removing the duplicates, 10 articles were included for analysis to the which brought the elaboration of two thematic categories: 1- The importance of health education for the control of cervical cancer and 2- Nursing perspectives for women's health in the control of cervical cancer. Conclusion: It is evident that health education is considered a strategy to achieve efficient results in the prevention of cervical cancer, in this way studies on evidence of scientific production are relevant, as they expand the care of professionals towards the female population, mainly nursing, working in women's health and in the prevention of cervical cancer, enabling assistance to the scientific community and better reflections on the subject.


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Author Biographies

Rafaela Lima de Oliveira

Centro Universitário IBMR

Raquel da Silva Machado

Centro Universitário IBMR

Thamires Lima Sarah

Centro Universitário IBMR

Isabel Cristina Targino dos Santos

Centro Universitário IBMR

Veronica Nunes da Silva Cardoso

Centro universitário IBMR


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How to Cite

Lima de Oliveira, R., da Silva Machado, R. ., Lima Sarah, T. ., Cristina Targino dos Santos, I. ., & Nunes da Silva Cardoso, V. (2022). HEALTH EDUCATION AS A FOUNDATION FOR THE CONTROL OF CERVICAL CANCER: PERSPECTIVES FOR NURSING IN WOMEN’S HEALTH. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(7), e371644.