


Article aims to analyze the impact of the merit


This Article aims to analyze the impact of the merit classification system on the motivation of civil servants. With regard to the methodology, quantitative research and case study were used, the semi-structured observation interview and the survey were used as a technique of data collection and hypothetical-deductive and bibliographic as methods. However, 7 employees of the Provincial Environment Service of Nampula (SPA) were contacted. The results revealed that 04 employees of the 06 stated that the greatest advantage of this technique lies in the increase in salaries, these correspond to 66.67% and the remaining 33.33%, in this case the 02 servers claimed that the opportunities in the advancement of their professional careers. In conclusion, the merit classification system in the motivation of employees used in the Organization is the evaluation of performance. The reason for the preference of this technique is because the merit influences the salary of the employees, it is thought that they will give more enthusiasm in their performance since no one would want to be reduced the salary because it has taken a merit below in its classification. Therefore, this classification system does not contribute to motivation since it is not clear and because it is linked to the wage cut.


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Author Biographies

Gulaço António, +258844691210

Academia Militar Marechal Samora Machel

Cassimo Aly

Universidade Politecnica

Anastácia Jaime Aly

Universidade Pedagogica - Licenciada em Gestao Ambiental pela Universidade Pedagogica - Nampula


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How to Cite

António, G., Aly, C., & Aly, A. J. (2022). IMPACT OF THE MERIT RATING SYSTEM ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION: SERVICES PROVINCES OF THE NAMPULA ENVIRONMENT - MOZAMBIQUE. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(7), e371671.