
  • Alexandre Lopes Dias



military police, police victimization, public security intelligence.


Crime is increasing every day, taking proportions that expose the state military to occurrences of various natures and, consequently, contact with the most diverse types of criminals, which, depending on their level of dangerousness, provide moments of risk to the physical integrity and life of these professionals and their families. The Military Police of Paraná realizing this unfavorable scenario that provides insecurity to its professionals, reflecting directly on the service to society, and often putting in doubt the quality of public security carried out by the corporation, created the sector PM Victim. Inserted in the Intelligence Directorate of the corporation, more precisely in the counterintelligence section, performing active security actions, the sector is formed by police officers dedicated exclusively to prevent and, if necessary, repress acts of threat and attempted and consummated homicides against any military police, due to their function. It is demonstrated, through a bibliographic and documentary research, that the creation of the PM Victim brought more tranquility and security to the entire troop, making the military police teams act with the certainty that they are not alone, there are those that will provide them with the necessary protection against possible reprisals that may suffer as a result of their legally constituted actions.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Lopes Dias

Major da Polícia Militar do Paraná, atualmente Chefe da Seção de Contrainteligência da Diretoria de Inteligência da PMPR, especialista em Gestão Pública com ênfase na Segurança Pública, especialista em Educação Inclusiva, especialista em Ciências Jurídicas, especialista em Direito Público.


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How to Cite

Lopes Dias, A. (2022). PM VICTIM: THE MILITARY POLICE OF PARANÁ PROTECTING THEIR GREATEST HERITAGE. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(7), e371735.