


Industrial Revolution. Industry 4.0. Industrial revolution and technological advances. Industrial revolution and capitalism. Types of industrial revolution.


Speaking of Brazil, the Industrial Revolution took place since the beginning of Lusitanian exploration. The milestone was the exchange of man's motive work energy for the energy of machines. Transformations in Brazil occur slowly, as the cost of achieving industry 4.0 is high. The Brazilian production was modest, in relation to the North American one. The majority of peoples who have attained a high degree of enrichment in contemporary times owe it, in large part, to determinisms of a geological and geographical order. The Industrial Revolution was not limited to the technical transformation, of instruments and of the production regime, it brought about, above all, social changes in humanity. Social transformations, for many, such as Karl Marx, Maurice Dobb, Michel Beaud and Eric Hobsbawm, were the most serious consequences of the Industrial Revolution, transformed the way of life of the majority of the world's population. The social transformations linked to the Industrial Revolution were concentrated in the hands of a few, especially large landowners, merchants and small sectors of the middle class. The rest of the population, the vast majority, began to survive in conditions of misery. Therefore, the general objective of this bibliographic review work is to research the reasons for the Industrial Revolution and its consequences, as well as its trajectory towards industry 4.0.


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Author Biographies

Isabella Pereira de Carvalho

Aluna do 2º ano do Ensino médio 

Clecilene Gomes de Carvalho

Bachelor of Nursing from UNINCOR. Pedagogical Complementation in Biology. Graduated in Management in Legal and Notary Services from UNINTER. Graduated in Gerontology from UNINTER. Specialization in Occupational Nursing. Specialization in Public Health with Emphasis on Family Health Strategy. Specialization in Psychology of Multifocal Intelligence. Specialization in Facial and Body Aesthetics. Specialization in Development and Production of Cosmetics. Specialization in Aesthetic Biomedicine. Specializing in Clinical Analysis and Microbiology. Specialization in Urgent and Emergency Nursing. Specialization in Multidisciplinary Approach to Oncology. Member of the Minas Gerais Pulmonary Hypertension Association. Bachelor in Biomedicine from UNA. Specialization in Advanced Aesthetics (INAESP/FACOP). TCC/RPA teacher at Santa Casa Faculdade BH.


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How to Cite

Pereira de Carvalho, I., & Gomes de Carvalho, C. (2022). FROM THE BEGINNINGS OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION INDUSTRY 4.0. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(11), e3112179.