


Prenatal Care, Nursing Care, Maternal Mortality, Pregnant Woman


The follow-up of prenatal care since the beginning of pregnancy is of paramount importance for both the woman and the baby, because it is a period of psychological and physical preparation of the pregnant woman for the moment of delivery. Quality care is needed as early as possible to birth a healthy child and to promote a better quality of life for the mother throughout the gestational period, especially if it is a high-risk pregnancy. This study aims to identify the risk factors for pregnant women who started prenatal care late and the nursing care provided to them. This is an integrative review of the literature, conducted between September and October 2022. Data collection was performed by searching for scientific articles published in the last five years in the Virtual Health Library (VHL-BIREME). Seven studies related to the theme were found, divided into two categories: studies focusing on consequences of the beginning of late prenatal care; and studies focusing on prenatal nursing care. It is concluded that risk factors were identified for women who started late prenatal care, extolling the need for them to be aware, oriented, informed, and that possible solutions be presented so that they start their prenatal care as soon as possible.


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Author Biographies

Victoria Oliveira dos Santos

Centro Universitário Dinamica das Cataratas (UDC)

Cinthya de Fátima Oliveira Strada

Centro Universitário Dinamica das Cataratas (UDC)


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How to Cite

Oliveira dos Santos, V., & de Fátima Oliveira Strada, C. (2022). NURSING ASSISTANCE FRONT OF LATE PRENATAL: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(11), e3112200.