


Development of experimental classes


The present article highlights the possible impacts around the implementation and development of experimental classes by undergraduate students in Chemistry. Based on this positioning, the general objective is to investigate the positive points of the Experimental Chemical Extension Project for Primary Education Students, in the professional teacher training of students who study chemistry. And the specific objectives permeate providing a concrete and actionable proposal that can replicate proposals to transform the career curriculum or public-private partnership or expand career strategies. It is based on the hypothesis that the themes regarding the characteristics of the Federal Institute are viable, with an analysis of the National Guidelines and practices in undergraduate studies, highlighting the practical laboratory classes such as research and extension that arouse the curiosity and commitment of students in practice in the classroom and also the training of teachers. The research methodology is mixed, using a closed questionnaire, interview and analysis. The main results showed that the project stimulated the exchange of knowledge due to a diverse set of strategies among the students. Therefore, it is indicated that the study directed to the Experimental Chemical Extension Project can broaden the view on certain factors that spontaneously conceal the progress of teaching in the discipline of Chemistry, or in other areas.


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Author Biographies

Joseila Aparecida Bergamo

Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul - IFMS

Keila Cristina de Paiva Silva

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana  - FUNIBER

Roger Viana de Queiroz

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana  - FUNIBER

Juciani Aparecida de Paulo Santos

Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana  - FUNIBER


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How to Cite

Bergamo, J. A., Cristina de Paiva Silva , K. ., Viana de Queiroz, R. ., & Aparecida de Paulo Santos, J. . (2022). IMPLEMENTATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL CLASSES BY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN CHEMISTRY. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122218.