


Malaria is an infectious disease


Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium-type parasites. Its transmission occurs by infection transmitted through the female Anopheles mosquito vector, popularly called nail mosquito, so that it does not fit into the list of diseases transmitted from human to human being, requiring infection by the vector. The objective of this study is to analyze the epidemiological aspects related to cases of malaria case notifications in the state of Piauí. For this purpose, a literature review was used, based on data collection in electronic databases, using the PICo method. Data processing was carried out through a detailed reading of the materials, aiming at the compatibility of the contents with the theme in question. With regard to the filtering performed, it resulted in 5 articles able to present data according to the research objective, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In terms of conclusion, the state of Piauí has ​​climatic and geographic conditions that favor the emergence of malaria transmission vectors, with transmission occurring mostly by P. vivax, with affected subjects between 20 and 39 years of age. age, brown and predominantly male.


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Author Biographies

Italo Roberto Costa Pedrosa

Graduando em Medicina pela Faculdade CET. 

Érika Maria Santos Cunha Amorim Andrade

Graduanda em Medicina pela Faculdade CET. 

Marcos Gabriel Bruno Rêgo Nolêto

Graduando em Medicina pela Faculdade CET. 

Raiza Gabriela Gomes Vilarinho

Graduanda em Medicina pela Faculdade CET.  

Francisca Layane Albuquerque Conceição Lima

Graduanda em Medicina pela Faculdade CET. 

Jéssica Conceição dos Santos

Graduanda em Medicina pela Faculdade CET. 

Allyson da Costa e Silva Carvalho

Graduando em Medicina pela Faculdade CET.  


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How to Cite

Roberto Costa Pedrosa, I., Maria Santos Cunha Amorim Andrade , Érika, Rêgo Nolêto, M. G. B., Gomes Vilarinho, R. G., Albuquerque Conceição Lima, F. L., dos Santos, J. C., & da Costa e Silva Carvalho, A. (2024). CHARACTERIZATION OF MALARIA IN THE STATE OF PIAUÍ: BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(8), e582392.