


Bariatric surgery, Nutritional deficiencies, Hypovitaminosis, Morbid obesity, Obesity treatmen


Physiological changes can be observed in the post bariatric patient, one of these changes refers to nutritional deficiencies, mostly due to the surgical method used, also referring to the impact that this surgery can bring, where the absence of nutrients by feeding or supplementation lead to greater impacts on the health of these patients that is often necessary. These nutrient deficits, when untreated, can aggravate or generate several pathologies, such as iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, bone diseases, among others. The study aims to analyze and understand the guidelines of bariatric surgery, evidencing the deficiencies that may occur after the procedure and also investigating the supplementation strategies that can be used. This is a narrative bibliographic review, where data collection took place through the Pubmed, Scielo and the Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. Articles dating from the last 5 years were included, in addition to information collected in the Department of Gastroenterology of the School of Medicine of São Paulo (2014) and Brazilian Archives of Digestive Surgeries (2015). Using the following DeCS: bariatric; obesity; morbid obesity; hypovitaminosis; micronutrients; deficiencies in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Thus, it is necessary to supplement micronutrients to prevent and treat the possible nutritional inadequacies of the post bariatric patient.


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Author Biographies

Aline Maria Andrade do Nascimento

Graduanda de Nutrição -Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau(UNINASSAU)-Recife -PE.

Diego Ricardo da Silva Leite

Master in Biochemistry and Physiology from the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE.


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How to Cite

Andrade do Nascimento, A. M. ., & Silva Leite , D. R. da . (2023). NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES OF MICRONUTRIENTS IN POST-BARIATRIC PATIENTS AND THEIR MAIN FORMS OF TREATMENT. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(3), e432819.