


Agrarian Problem., Origin., Sociological Consequences


The article aims at analyzing the agrarian problem in Brazil, starting from the material consolidation of our elites in countryside, and the aggravating factors that resulted from this economical production mode. To understand these problems arising from the Brazilian elite behavior, it will be analyzed first how these elites established the material life, observing the process of colonization and the slavery sense given to work organization in Brazil. Then, the social deadlocks still current in Brazilian reality will be highlighted as resulting from backwardness of rural elites, pointing out the monopoly concentration of property, the resurgence of colonial relations in current capitalism, and the absence of a policy inclined to land reform. Lastly, it will be approached the interference of Brazilian elites in agrarian policies proposed by socially inclined governments, once they refuse to embrace a state modernizer project which faces the agrarian issue.


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Author Biography

Maxmiliano Martins Pinheiro

IUPERJ (Universidade Candido Mendes).


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How to Cite

Martins Pinheiro, M. (2023). THE AGRICULTURAL ISSUE IN BRAZIL: A HISTORICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(5), e453164.