
  • Maria Socorro Reis Viannês
  • Anna Cláudia Luna Lima Corrêa
  • Maria Bernadete Melo
  • Edilene Costa e Silva
  • Simone Patrícia Freitas Rosa
  • Azenath Helena Silva Moura
  • Jeanne Clery Oliveira Lima
  • Joselma Oliveira Silva de Holanda
  • Luciana Tavares Alves
  • Gleice Kelle Mendonça Vitor



tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) is an endemic disease


American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) is an endemic disease in several Brazilian regions and is associated with a situation of poverty, inefficiency in the basic sanitation system and direct contact with places of devastated forest. Studies on the epidemiological aspects of this disease are important to support the actions of managers and health units, especially in the state of Pernambuco, which has endemic areas. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the cases of American tegumentary leishmaniasis that occurred in Pernambuco, from 2007 to 2022. For this, a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out, with secondary data collected on the DATASUS website. The data collected from the LTA referred to sex, education, age group, case evolution, type of diagnosis, area of residence and health macro-region. The analysis of records showed the occurrence of 5,648 cases of ATL in the state of Pernambuco. Of these, 60% were male, 45.1% had incomplete primary education, 54% were aged 20-59 years, 71% were cured and 70% were confirmed by clinical epidemiological criteria. In general, the research showed that variables such as sex, age group, education and the evolution of cases followed the same patterns reported in other studies in different Brazilian regions. However, the opposite situation in relation to other studies was observed for the clinical-epidemiological confirmation of ACL. Thus, further studies should be conducted in order to elucidate the findings and direct measures for the prevention and control of ACL.


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Author Biographies

Maria Socorro Reis Viannês

Fundação de Ensino Superior de Olinda - FUNESO.

Anna Cláudia Luna Lima Corrêa

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE.

Maria Bernadete Melo

Hospital das Clínicas.

Edilene Costa e Silva

Hospital das Clínicas.

Simone Patrícia Freitas Rosa

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE.

Azenath Helena Silva Moura

Hospital das Clínicas.

Jeanne Clery Oliveira Lima

Hospital das Clínicas.

Joselma Oliveira Silva de Holanda

Hospital das Clínicas.

Luciana Tavares Alves

Hospital Universitátio Lauro Wanderley.

Gleice Kelle Mendonça Vitor

Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública de Pernambuco – LACEN-PE.


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How to Cite

Reis Viannês, M. S., Luna Lima Corrêa, A. C., Melo, M. B., Costa e Silva, E., Freitas Rosa, S. P., Silva Moura, A. H., … Mendonça Vitor, G. K. (2023). AMERICAN TEGUMENTARY LEISHMANIASIS IN PERNAMBUCO: ANALYSIS OF CASES REPORTED FROM 2007 TO 2022. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(8), e483694.