



Fluoride, Salt, Fluiridation salt, Dental caries


The objective of this narrative review was to seek information on salt fluoridation as a caries prevention strategy in South American countries, for this purpose a literature search was made about caries prevention strategies, salt fluoridation programs and studies of fluoride concentration in salts marketed in the region, in indexed journal articles, documents from international health institutions that promote health and disease prevention, and publications of local studies in South American countries.Caries disease is a preventable disease and fluoride is a preventative strategy used throughout the world. Its presence in water, salt, milk, toothpastes and products for dental use such as varnishes, gels and other materials have shown effectiveness in preventing cavities. Salt fluoridation is a public health strategy that has the support of resolutions taken by WHO, PAHO and FDI, it is an extremely beneficial and cost-effective strategy. The present narrative review confirmed that salt fluoridation is a strategy adopted by many South American countries, and that surveillance systems are required regarding its: dosage (200–250 mg of F ion/kg of salt), its use in combination with other sources of fluoride and its commercialization, aspects that must be coordinated in collaboration between the health authorities, the salt processors.



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Author Biographies

Gabriela Pérez Campuzano

Postgrado Universidad Tecnica de Oruro.

Willy Bustillos Torrez

Cirurgião-Dentista, mestrado em ciências biomédicas, doutorando em odontologia.

Katiane Silva Sousa

Cirurgiã-Dentista (pela Universidade Guarulhos - UNG) e Mestranda em Periodontia no Departamento de Pós-Graduação em Periodontia (Universidade Guarulhos - UNG).

Belen Retamal-Valdes

Cirurgiã-Dentista, mestrado em odontologia (área de concentração em periodontia), doutorado em odontologia (área de concentração em periodontia). Universidade Guarulhos -UNG.


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How to Cite

Pérez Campuzano, G., Bustillos Torrez, W., Silva Sousa, K., & Retamal-Valdes, B. (2023). FLUORIDATED SALT AS A CARIES PREVENTION STRATEGY IN SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES: A NARRATIVE REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(8), e483843. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i8.3843